Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Job, New House, New Town, New Ward

Hey everyone - the past many weeks have been busy looking for work and I've not been blogging.  In any event I wanted to say we've moved to Alpine, Wyoming (about thirty minutes from Jackson Hole) and love it.  We're still getting used to the -13F days and snow, snow and more snow.  Our little town (population 550) is growing on us.  We're living less than 1/4 mile from the convergence of the Grey's, Snake and Salt Rivers all of which empties in the Palisades Reservoir (looking forward to fishing this summer).  We are surrounded by beautiful mountains with snow capped peaks and our backyard is only yards away from the national forrest.  We do, however; feel a little out of place.  We are (I'm almost sure of it) the only people in town without at least one four wheeler and snowmobile (snowmachine as they call it up here), but maybe in a year or two we'll have some toys.  So - come one and come all - the door is open and we'd love to have some visitors.  

So - if we don't speak, or see you in person before Christmas - Merry Christmas and have a happy and safe New Year.